Lynwood Road Residents Association
Photograph of the Lynwood Estate on a sunny day.

Welcome and Latest

Welcome to the website of Lynwood Road Residents Association (LRRA) comprising Lynwood Road (nos 7-84), Bourne Close and Wessex Close (Lynwood Estate). It is for owners and residents in our three roads, providing information about the Estate and how it is run.


URGENT ISSUES/MAINTENANCE: email or contact one of the directors. Always provide a description of the problem with your name, house no. and a phone number or email. .

A 'Welcome Flyer' for new residents on the Lynwood Estate including a plan of the estate can be downloaded here: Welcome Flyer


The Annual Rentcharge for 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 has been set at of £260. If you have not paid yet, it is now overdue and we may add late payment charges.  See the Rentcharge section below for details.

The Autumn/Winter Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter can be downloaded here NHW Newsletter.  This contains analysis of reported crime figures for Molesey, the Dittons & Hinchley Wood.  Security Advice from Surrey Police.

2024 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The 2024 Annual General Meeting was held at 7:30pm on Wednesday 17th April at Georgie's Bar in Hinchley Wood.  Minutes of the 2024 AGM can be downloaded here: 2024 AGM Minutes.  Summary of expenditure for the 2023-24 and the budget for 2024-25 can be downloaded here: Accounts Summary

ACCOUNTS: Final Summary Accounts for 2024 and previous years are available under the Finance, Accounts & Insurance page.

SELLING YOUR HOUSE or NEW MORTGAGE: Whenever a property on the estate is sold or re-mortgaged your buyers, solicitors & lenders will need a certificate of compliance from the Residents Association.  Please contact, or get the solicitors to contact, our solicitors Pearson Hards about what is required. See the: Legal Matters & AGM page for more details.  

ROADS & FOOTPATHS: please report any issues with the roads and footpaths outside of the Lynwood Estate to Surrey County Council using the following link with as exact a location as possible and photo if possible: Report A Pavement Problem

LONG DITTON RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (LDRA): The Lynwood Estate falls within Long Ditton Ward of Elmbridge Borough.  Links to the: LDRA website, and LDRA Fact Sheet which contains details of the LDRA Facebook Group.

Rent Charge

ANNUAL RENTCHARGE PAYMENTS: The Rentcharge (or service charge) covering maintenance for 2024-25 is £260 for all properties. A notice letter and Rentcharge statement is hand delivered or posted to all owners to show what is due for your property.  Please pay as soon as possible. We may add a late payment charge from 31st October. Full details can be found in the notice letter that can be downloaded here: 2024 Rentcharge Notice

If you have an overdue balance on your Rentcharge account we will add late payment charges. For more information on the Rentcharge see: Maintenance Rentcharge Payments page.

Speed and Children on the Estate

Speed and Children on the Estate


Keeping vehicle speeds within 15 mph will help make the estate a safe environment for young children who live here. Delivery drivers often drive too fast.  PLEASE advise visitors and delivery drivers of the speed limit and the need to comply with it. If you see neighbours you know exceeding the speed limit, please remind them, politely, of the limit and the need to comply.

All parents must take responsibility for how their children play on the estate, ensuring that they are aware of the dangers and that young children do not ride bicycles, skateboards, etc. on the roadways.

Latest from Surrey Police

Latest from Surrey Police

Latest updates from Surrey Police are available here: and for local police and crime information here: The Dittons & Hinchley Wood

REPORTING CRIME or ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR: If you have a serious crime, accident or other emergency to report, always dial 999. If you have an urgent police enquiry, or are reporting an incident that is happening now, please dial 101. For non-urgent notification of a minor crime you can also use the online crime reporting facility available at

You should only call 999 in a real emergency, for example when someone’s life is in danger, a serious offence is in progress or someone is at risk of violence. For all other issues such as contacting police with a general enquiry or reporting minor crime or disorder the public should contact Surrey Police on the 101 number.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH:  Local Molesey, Dittons & Hinchley Wood Neighbourhood Watch Newsletters are produced approximately every 6 months, the most recent can be downloaded here: Autumn/Winter 2024 NW NewsletterFor more see: Neighbourhood Watch page.

PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION: The Association has issued a data protection statement regarding our use of your personal data as required by General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR): LRRA Data Protection Statement